April 21st, 2014
Not knowing what to do, I just sit there, staring at my daughter. “Wow, there’s no sky here… just an opening with a trail of colors swirling upward,” she says after a minute, her closed eyes darting from side to side, following her vision. I look up – the ceiling is intact, thank God. “It’s
April 7th, 2014
“I go over Jessica’s simple explanation of how it’s we who attach all the meaning and interpretation to everything that happens to us, and how these become our unconscious beliefs – lenses of perception through which we look at life. Hundreds of those lenses, in fact, created over many years, distorting the sacred truth within.
April 3rd, 2014
But before I decide to skip this stupid meditation at the Temple and return to my room to attack my husband with all of these accusations, his face appears in my mind’s eye, and it’s as if some part of me that is viewing him through the eyes of a higher perspective emerges. Stepping onto
March 28th, 2014
The most significant thing for a parent to contribute to anyone is their own Connection and their own stability. An effective parent is a happy parent. An effective parent is a parent who laughs easily and often; and who doesn’t take things so seriously. —Abraham
March 27th, 2014
Everyone’s PR client Katherine/ Katya Agranovich was given excellent marks in New Consciousness Book Review of Tales of My Large, Loud Spiritual Family on the NCR website. 5 Stars in 4 Categories. Congratulations Katherine! Read the Review Now: http://www.ncreview.com/biography/tales-of-my-large-loud-spiritual-family
January 7th, 2014
Blog of Wellbeing: Mystical visions…shocking premonitions. The stor…: http://bookdaily.com/book/4305052#7uJ5tOx2yZUK4kDk.08
January 3rd, 2014
December 2nd, 2013
I would like to propose a ten-day challenge. Play a game of being Happy. Which means pretending, faking, acting out as if ALL is well. I want to witness Life and Universe matching my emotional state of mind: Happiness, and revealing more of events to be happy about.
August 12th, 2013
If there is no source of illness, why are there so many sick people? It is because they have found lots of excuses to hold themselves in vibrational discord with wellness. They are not letting it in. And when they don’t let it in, the absence of it looks like sickness. And when enough of
August 12th, 2013
Do you have to think specific positive thoughts about your body in order for your body to be the way you want it to be? No. But you have to not think the specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body and, instead, just think pleasant thoughts — your body would